collective behaviour | emergence | movement | social influence | decision-making | mate-choice

After lovely chats in the Patricelli lab, I became a sage grouse before saying goodbye.


Visiting west coast of the United States

May 2023

Recently, I was invited to talk at the SIAM Dynamical Systems Conference in Portland, USA. Having travelled across the Atlantic, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to go visit other interesting labs in the area, which ended up being a short journey along the coast. I started in Seattle, where I visited Dr. Ben Koger and Dr. Andrew Berdahl in the University of Washington, Seattle. I had the opportunity to present my work to a small but very exciting audience. A similar opportunity arose as I headed south from Seattle in the University of California, Davis. Here, Dr. Gail Patricelli, Dr. Andy Sih, and their groups welcomed me. It was wonderfully exciting to meet and talk with so many interesting people over a course of two weeks!

MELA 2023 begins

01 March 2023

The 2023 MELA team is in the field and has started collecting data on blackbuck leks! Multiple streams of information will be combined to analyse inter-individual interactions and mate-choice in leks. The amount of data that will be collected to accomplish this is huge, and is only made possible with the help of an excellent field team. This year, we’re in Tal Chhapar wildlife sanctuary, joined by four excellent student assistants—Dipin Das, Mansi Dave, Sakshi Rao and Kuldeep Chauhan.


This year, the team played holi with the townsfolk between two recording sessions.


New paper alert!!!

20 February 2023

My PhD is now officially behind me! The last chapter from these five years of work is now published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. This work highlights the importance of considering the multiscale temporal dynamics that accompany animal behaviours. Here, I analyse movement in golden shiner fish schools and homing pigeon flocks to show that the predictive power of factors affecting social influence vary depending on the timescale of analysis.

“In mere time, all things follow one another, and in mere space, all things are side by side; it is accordingly only by the combination of time and space that the representation of coexistence arises.”